Welcome to my travel blog
My name is Bianca van den Bos, I’m from The Netherlands, and for me personally, traveling is the best there is and what I enjoy most in life. And I don’t have children, so it’s OK for me to say that 😉
I’ve been to over 50 countries already, and it’s amazing to see all those different cultures, people, nature and cities.
Plan your own trips
I like to plan all my travels myself, from start to finish. Because that is where the fun starts for me. The freedom, to be able to choose where you want to go, what you want to see, how long you want to stay somewhere and to organize the trip yourself.
Travel with chronic pain
Part of the reason why I’m planning my trips myself, is because I have fibromyalgia. Besides other chronic pain and fatigue issues. This means that I have pain throughout my entire body, all day long. Because of this, I unfortunately can’t do everything I would like to anymore. Such as a 4-hour walk through a jungle, or go on a rough jeep safari through the desert.
So when organizing my travels, I have to take my limitations into account. And build in enough resting periods. Because that way the trip will be manageable and enjoyable for me. With time comes knowledge, and a better understanding of what you can and cannot do.
Discover the world
I write this blog for people who like to plan their own trips and I hope to inspire you through my blog, to entirely plan your own trips. And give you some tips & tricks on where to watch out for and think about. So you’ll travel the world and discover all the great places on earth. I will share general travel experiences and tips with you. And from time to time give some tips about traveling with a chronic pain and how I personally deal with it.
Travel quote
One of my favorite quotes (which I read somewhere a long time ago) is ‘Create moment, not things’. Followed by ‘Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer’. I believe both to be true.

Collect moments,
not things