Traveling and flying can sometimes be quite challenging, exhausting or a hectic experience. So here are some helpful airport tips, to help you on your way towards a better travel experience.
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1. Check in for your flight in advance
Most of the time you can check in for your flight 24 hours in advance, sometimes even a bit longer in advance. This is a good idea to do, so you don’t have to wait in line at the airport. Or at least a smaller line, which takes up less of your time.
At some airports you have to check in on your own, at a self service check-in kiosk. Where you’ll get your boarding pass printed out at the spot and you only have to drop your luggage. At other airports however you still have to stand in a long line to get checked in by someone behind the check-in counter.
Checking in in advance also gives you the benefit of being able to have your boarding pass in your app on your phone. More and more airlines have their own app. When you check in online or through the app, you’ll get the boarding pass directly onto your phone. No need to print anything out. Really convenient!
2. Bring an empty water bottle in your carry-on
This is something I do for a long time now. And it’s one of the best tips I think. When going through security, you can’t have any liquids in your bag. So you have to throw away all your drink bottles. However, when you carry an empty bottle with you, you can fill this up with water once you’re through customs. At least in countries where tap water is drinkable. You also save money by doing this, by avoiding to have to pay those overpriced water bottles at airports. And some extra drinkable water is also nice to have when you have to take medicine and don’t want to have to wait for a steward(ess) to come by with drinks.
3. Pack your liquids and electronics in an easy to reach place
At the security check, you’ll have to take out your laptop, mobile, portable charger, other electronics and liquids. You want to avoid having to go through your entire bag trying to find all those things, while people are waiting in line behind you. So make sure to pack those things where they are easily accessible. I put all my liquids (with a max of 100ml per item) in one small toiletry bag. And I put all my electronics (iPad and portable charger) in one packing cube, which I can pull out of the bag in no time.
4. Go left at security check
It’s been shown in studies that people naturally turn right. So when you enter the security checkpoint, and there isn’t a security person who decides where you have to go, turn left. Head to the line furthest to the left. Because this might save you time waiting in line.
5. Bring a portable charger
I mentioned it earlier, but I always bring a portable charger. You can’t rely on all airports to have charging stations or the right outlets for you charging cable. So be sure to bring your own portable charger. Especially if you know in advance that you have a long stopover or have a really long flight ahead of you and you want to use your iPad or E-reader a lot.
Also, bring your regular mobile/iPad charger with you on the airplane. A lot of planes nowadays have a USB charger in the headrest before you, next to the display.
6. Bring your own snacks
It’s not necessary a must do, but for people who don’t feel comfortable paying high airport or airplane prices for snacks, bring your own snacks with you. For example candy, chocolate, energy bars or cookies. Especially if you’re traveling with children, or you know in advance that you just simply must have your daily chocolate candy bar, just bring your own.
7. Pack hand sanitizer
In case you haven’t heard of it yet, airplanes and airports are a Mecca for germs. Besides the well know places like toilets, you don’t want to know how many germs are actually on and around your aircraft seat for example. So wherever you go, take a mini hand sanitizer with you in your bag. They come in really nice small packages. Which are easy to carry with you. Both during your flight as well on your day-to-day travel days.
8. Dress in layers
Temperatures can really differ from place to place. It can be extremely warm outside, when you travel to the airport. Then at the airport it can be much colder due to airconditioning. And in the airplane it’s often warm in the beginning. But once you’re up in the air, and especially at night, it can get really cold. So dress in layers, to be able to feel comfortable at all times.
9. Wear socks
If you’re traveling from one extremely warm country to another, you may wear flip flops or other open shoes. But at some airports, especially in the US, they make you take off your shoes when going through security. I don’t know about you guys, but personally I’d rather not stand and walk barefoot on those dirty airport floors. So make sure you’re wearing socks.
And even if you do where open shoes, bring a pair of socks with you in your carry-on, to keep your feet warm during the flight. Because it can get really cold at night.
Compression socks
If you have difficulties with your feet and legs during and after flying, you may want to buy compression socks. These will help to increase the blood flow in your lower legs. And thereby reduce the risk of blood clots and swollen feet from flying.
10. Make your luggage stand out
To make it easier to find your luggage on the conveyor belt at the arrival hall, make your luggage stand out. You can tie a colorful ribbon on the handle of your luggage or a very noticeable luggage tag. Or even put a nice luggage cover on your suitcase.
For more tips on air travel, check out my article ‘How to spend your time on an airplane’.