When I’m booking my flights, I always want to choose my seat as well, if possible. For most (or maybe all) flights, choosing a seat when booking will cost you extra. But I don’t want to end up on a 11 hour flight without sitting next to each other. Or in the middle of 2 people I don’t know. So the extra cost is worth it to me.
When choosing our seats, I always go to https://www.seatguru.com. SeatGuru is created to help travelers choose the best seats. So exactly what I need to make a good decision. I mean, you don’t want to end up in the seat right next to the toilet. Because let me tell you, besides the many people who will constantly stand next to you, waiting for the toilet, this area can get very smelly, which can ruin your flight.
You can look up your exact flight. By Airline company, date and flight number. But if your flight for any reason isn’t on SeatGuru (yet), you can also browse the 1173 type of aircrafts, spanning 157 airlines. When you’ve found your flight, just click on the Seat Map and start exploring.
Bad seats

SeatGuru has a great overview of the seats, and gives you information about whether it’s a good or bad seat. Like if it’s smaller than others, next to the toilet or doesn’t have a window.
Just hover over the seat and you will get the information you need.

They also provide you with travelers reviews about the airplane. So reading these can also be valuable.
Besides the seat maps, there is also information about check-in, baggage, infants, minors and pets available on most flights.
Tips for choosing the best Economy seats when traveling with 2 persons
If you want to get up and walk regularly or if you want to sleep without being bothered to get up every time someone else has to go to the toilet, choose the seats in the middle of the plane, and next to the isle.
So if it is al 3-4-3 plane (which means 3 seats, isle, 4 seats, isle, 3 seats), book your seats in the 4 area.
If you’re going on a short flight, especially if you’re flying over beautiful scenery like islands or snowed mountains, I always book the seat next to the window. If it’s a flight of only 2 hours, I don’t necessarily have to go to the toilet. So, sitting next to the window will provide beautiful views and photo taking possibilities.
So check out SeatGuru online and get yourself the best seat within your price range.
They also have an app:
App Store
Google Play Store